Important Update from PPS Support - Service Disruption


All affected PPS Hosted and Express systems have now been migrated to a replacement service and should have received new logins. If you continue to have any issues please contact


We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience. The failed server has been replaced, all affected clients should have been contacted with new connection details. If you so not have these details or require additional assistance please contact taft


Access is now restored to all Express and Hosted systems and sync has been enabled.


Access to services affected should be recovering, work will continue on any further issues with Express, Sync, online booking or activity processing is ongoing.


We are installing fresh hardware to restore access to affected Hosted, Express and Remote systems as well as Online Booking and Sync. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience as we work to resolve this as quickly as possible.


We are installing fresh hardware to restore access to affected Hosted, Express and Remote systems as well as Online Booking and Sync. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience as we work to resolve this as quickly as possible.


We are installing fresh hardware to restore access to affected Hosted, Express and Remote systems as well as Online Booking and Sync. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience as we work to resolve this as quickly as possible.


We are installing fresh hardware to restore access to affected Hosted, Express and Remote systems as well as Online Booking and Sync. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience as we work to resolve this as quickly as possible.


We've identified the source of a disk error affecting PPS Hosted, Express and Sync for some clients along with online services such as remote and online booking. Please accept our apologies as we work to resolve as quickly as possible. Access to Hosted is blocked for all affected users at present. We are working to restore all client access to new hardware as soon as possible.


We've identified the source of a disk error affecting PPS Hosted, Express and Sync for some clients along with online services such as remote and online booking. Please accept our apologies as we work to resolve as quickly as possible. Access to Hosted is blocked for all affected users at present. We are working to restore all client access to new hardware as soon as possible.


We've identified the source of a disk error affecting PPS Hosted, Express and Sync for some clients along with online services such as remote and online booking. Please accept our apologies as we work to resolve as quickly as possible. Access to Hosted is blocked for all affected users at present. We are working to restore all client access to new hardware as soon as possible.


We've identified the source of a disk error affecting PPS Hosted, Express and Sync for some clients along with online services such as remote and online booking. Please accept our apologies as we work to resolve as quickly as possible. Access to Hosted is blocked for all affected users at present


We've identified the source of a disk error affecting PPS Hosted, Express and Sync for some clients along with online services such as remote and online booking. Please accept our apologies as we work to resolve as quickly as possible. Access to Hosted is blocked for all affected users at present


We've identified the source of a disk error affecting PPS Hosted, Express and Sync for some clients along with online services such as remote and online booking. Please accept our apologies as we work to resolve as quickly as possible.


We're working to restore server3/10. Users on this server may experience issues accessing Express and Hosted at this time. Sync is also unavailable, we apologies for any inconvenience caused.


We're working to restore server3/10. Users on this server may experience issues accessing Express and Hosted at this time. Sync is also unavailable, we apologies for any inconvenience caused.


We're aware of disk and file errors causing issues for some PPS Hosted users this morning and we're looking to address this urgently. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.


Some clients are currently experiencing issues with accessing PPS or disk errors.

Our team are currently investigating this problem and are working with our data centre in order to get all PPS services running as normal as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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